Davanzo Highlights Need for Reliable Access to Diapers
November 30, 2020
ROSTRAVER TOWNSHIP – Rep. Eric Davanzo (R-Westmoreland) supported a legislative measure to bring awareness to the need for consistent access to diapers, which is even greater during the holidays.
Sept. 21-27 was named Diaper Need Awareness Week in the Commonwealth by House Resolution 985 to raise awareness of the need in communities, especially those of the most vulnerable citizens.
Infants and toddlers with little access to diapers may spend a day or longer in the same diaper. Without access, they’re often prevented from attending and participating in child care programs.
“A reliable supply of clean diapers is a necessity. Earlier this year, we saw the pandemonium that can occur when availability is disrupted, so it’s important to make sure that families have what they need, even during the holidays and a global pandemic,” Davanzo said.
To help address the need in the 58th District, Davanzo is hosting a diaper drive to benefit the Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank at his district office. Donations – including diapers, wipes, baby wash and feminine products – may be dropped off from Dec. 1-31 at the district office, 851 Finley Road, Rostraver Township, and the satellite office, 1 Etze Ave., Mount Pleasant. The offices are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Representative Eric Davanzo
58th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Alison Evans
RepDavanzo.com / Facebook.com/RepDavanzo
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